Monday, December 14, 2015

All dogs go to Heaven. Except some... Some are cunts and burn in Hell.

My neighbor had a dog pass away a while back, it was a Boxer.  She had the dog when she moved into the complex.  She took it in after her niece was unable to maintain the responsibility of having a dog.  When the Boxer died, I displayed sincerity to her face and told her how sorry I was for her loss...  However, when I got into my apartment, I couldn't have been more happier.


Because fuck that dog, that's why!

Every time I left my apartment, and she was out walking the dog, that fucking thing would lunge at me, snapping it's chomps.  I couldn't leave my house whenever the dog was out enjoying a sunny day, out of fear that my little neighbor wouldn't be able to control Lady (that was the dogs name).  Which happened more often than not because my neighbor was retired, so she just hung out with her dog on her porch when it was nice out.

If she was walking the dog so it could do it's business, she would tighten her grip on the leash as people approached and passed by.  From what I understand, this is a big NO-NO because apparently dogs can sense this, and will react to protect their owner (I guess).

To those that know me, I have an intimidating stature.  I'm tall and have weight on me, so I guess I look like a bad guy to a dog, at least, to Lady...  I reality, I'm anything but that.  If anything, I'm a big wuss and softy.

But I'm not the only one that Lady would try and quench her bloodlust on, oh no.  She's attempted to assassinate my other neighbor, the old school Italian guy too.  He isn't so understanding as I am either.  I passive-aggressive talk about it.  He told the woman, in his best Joe Pesci voice, while chomping on a cigar:

"If dat fooking dog does dat shit again, it's fooking gone. Yoo hear me?!?"

Of course the dog did it again, and nothing became of it, and Lady eventually succumbed to cancer.

I bring this up now because recently, some asshole felt the need to abandon a dog in my complex.  They drove up to one of the entrance stairs, got out of the car, tied the leash to the railing, and drove off.

It's a Chihuahua, translated from Spanish meaning, "little shit."

My neighbor, being lonely from not having a dog and only three fucking cats to comfort her, adopted the little shit.  Why do I know it's a little shit?  BECAUSE THE FUCKING THING LUNGES AT ME WHENEVER SHE'S WALKING IT!!!

So now I'm starting to think that it's not necessarily the Boxer that was an asshole, but my neighbor instead...

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